API reference for @webext-core/messaging
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function defineExtensionMessaging<
TProtocolMap = Record<string, ProtocolWithReturn<any, any>>
>(config?: ExtensionMessagingConfig): Messenger<TProtocolMap> {
// ...
Creates a new Messenger
used to send and recieve messages in your extension.
config?: ExtensionMessagingConfig
Configure the behavior of the messenger.
interface ExtensionMessagingConfig {
logger?: Logger | null;
Configure how the messenger behaves.
logger?: Logger | null
The logger to use when logging messages. Set tonull
to disable logging.
type GetDataType<T> = T extends (...args: infer Args) => any
? Args["length"] extends 0 | 1
? Args[0]
: never
: T extends ProtocolWithReturn<any, any>
? T["BtVgCTPYZu"]
: T;
Given a function declaration, ProtocolWithReturn
, or a value, return the message's data type.
type GetReturnType<T> = T extends (...args: any[]) => infer R
? R
: T extends ProtocolWithReturn<any, any>
? T["RrhVseLgZW"]
: void;
Given a function declaration, ProtocolWithReturn
, or a value, return the message's return type.
interface Logger {
debug(...args: any[]): void;
log(...args: any[]): void;
warn(...args: any[]): void;
error(...args: any[]): void;
Interface used to log text to the console when sending and recieving messages.
type MaybePromise<T> = Promise<T> | T;
Either a Promise of a type, or that type directly. Used to indicate that a method can by sync or async.
interface Messenger<TProtocolMap> {
sendMessage<TType extends keyof TProtocolMap>(
type: TType,
data: GetDataType<TProtocolMap[TType]>,
tabId?: number
): Promise<GetReturnType<TProtocolMap[TType]>>;
onMessage<TType extends keyof TProtocolMap>(
type: TType,
onReceived: OnMessageReceived<TProtocolMap, TType>
): RemoveListenerCallback;
removeAllMessageListeners(): void;
Use the functions defined in the messenger to send and recieve messages throughout your entire extension.
Unlike the regular chrome.runtime
messaging APIs, there are no limitations to when you call onMessage
or sendMessage
Use the function syntax instead: https://webext-core.aklinker1.io/guide/messaging/protocol-maps.html#syntax
interface ProtocolWithReturn<TData, TReturn> {
BtVgCTPYZu: TData;
RrhVseLgZW: TReturn;
Used to add a return type to a message in the protocol map.
Internally, this is just an object with random keys for the data and return types.
Stores the data type. Randomly named so that it isn't accidentally implemented.RrhVseLgZW: TReturn
Stores the return type. Randomly named so that it isn't accidentally implemented.
interface ProtocolMap {
// data is a string, returns undefined
type1: string;
// data is a string, returns a number
type2: ProtocolWithReturn<string, number>;
type RemoveListenerCallback = () => void;
Call to ensure an active listener has been removed.
If the listener has already been removed with Messenger.removeAllListeners
, this is a noop.
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